Food Services

CCS is proud to offer the following through the Kitchen:

Early Ed: Snack & Lunch
Parents/Guardians can sign their learner up for lunch in the Preschool office at drop off. Lunch choice, drink, and payment options can be selected on the provided form.

TK and Kindergarten: Snack & Lunch
Snack must be brought from home as our kitchen does not provide a snack for TK and Kindergarten. Lunch can be preordered in the classroom at drop off or in the front office if the Learner is in before school daycare. Cash/Check payments can be made to the front office. Payments can also be made online on FACTS.  


Elementary & Middle School: Snack & Lunch
Snack can be purchased by learners at the kitchen during their snack period using their FACTS account.Parents/Guardians can preorder their learners lunch selections through FACTS up to a month in advance. Learners can also preorder lunch selections one the same day with their homeroom facilitators.

High School: Lunch
High school learners can preorder their lunch selections through the Google Doc provided up to a week in advance or on the same day. Lunch selections must be submitted by 9am day of purchase.

Please have your learner either bring a lunch from home or purchase a lunch through our CCS food service. We highly discourage lunches being dropped off during the day. We CANNOT accept lunches that are dropped off by a third party (such as Uber Eats, Door dash, etc.) Click below to view monthly lunch menus!


Payment for lunches can be made through Facts or by cash/check. Cash payments can be accepted at the kitchen window for snack or lunch. Any snack or lunch purchases made without cash will be charged to the learner’s Facts account.

Please contact Kaley Wilson at if you have any questions.

Click here for more info on CCS Lunch Policies and Food Services.

Outstanding Balances

CCS Kitchen will be changing its process on any outstanding balances. Purchases at the kitchen will no longer be accepted after cafeteria accounts reach a negative balance of ($80.00). If the balance is too low to continue making purchases a phone call home will be made and a lunch will need to be brought to the school. We will continue to send balance emails out to notify you when your learner no longer has funds in their account. We ask that all balances are paid off as soon as possible through Facts or by cash/check.

Please contact Kaley at if you have any questions.