Ashley Southard

Elementary Assistant Facilitator
Ashley Southard Picture

B.S. – Grand Canyon University

This is Ms. Southard first year working at Crossroads Christian School! She graduated from Grand Canyon University with a B.S. in Psychology and is now in her second year of her Masters program where she is furthering her education in Clinical Psychology. On her free time she love to go to the beach, walk her dogs and dance!

Ms. Southard has always desired to work with children since both of her parents were teachers. She also had some teachers throughout her educational career that shaped who she is today and she hopes that she can do the same with the learners at CCES.

What does a God-first school mean to her? To Ms. Southard, a God first school is a place where children and staff live by God everyday and show that through their actions, their work and their love for others.