Debbie Dunn

2nd Grade Facilitator
Debbie Dunn Picture

B.S. – California State University Fullerton 

Mrs. Dunn has been blessed to be married for 25 years to her husband, Tim. They have 3 children. Her oldest son is 21, and they have 2 daughters, ages 20 and 15. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends going to the beach, Disneyland or any other fun adventures that comes her way.

Mrs. Dunn loves teaching and has been incredibly blessed to get to work as a substitute and a full time facilitator for 20 years in both public and private schools. Her goal is to encourage her learners to find joy in learning. She prays that they grow both academically and spiritually in her classroom.

What does a God-first School mean to her? As a facilitator, she likes to incorporate the Bible and Christian values throughout the day, in all areas. She believes a God first school is one that incorporates the Bible in all subjects each and every day. She prays her learners will know and understand God’s Word and choose to follow Him. She strives to incorporate the Fruit of the Spirit in the classroom so each and every learner not only knows Jesus, but can reflect His character traits as they shine for Him!